대한항공 여행사진 공모전

사용자메뉴 영역

주메뉴 영역

하단 영역

페이스북 바로가기  트위터 바로가기  인스타그램 바로가기
개인정보 처리방침 회원약관

주소 및 카피라이트

㈜ 대한항공
대표이사 : 우기홍 외 1명
주소 : 서울특별시 강서구 하늘길 260
대표전화 : 1588-2001 /
사업자 등록번호 : 110-81-14794
통신판매업신고 : 강서 제 16-3010
개인정보보호책임자 :
장성현 대한항공 부사장

ⓒ 1997-2021 KOREAN AIR

본문 영역

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  • Contest Guidelines

공모 요강

Korean Air Travel Photography Contest, a place to share memories of happy times and scenic journeys, 
wants to put your photos on exhibit and showcase the beautiful things you’ve seen.


General Categories/ Special Categories


Anyone who loves traveling and photography.
(No restrictions apply with nationality)


• General / Special Sector : 2021. 12. 1 (Wed) ~ 12. 24 (Fri)

Entry and Judging

General Categories/ Special Categories

Winner Announcement/Awards Ceremony

  • Winner Announcement

    • Date : 2022 January Last week(UNDETM)
      Korean Air Travel Photo Contest website, Hankookilbo(Korea Times) and individual notification(Changes can be made)
  • Awards Ceremony

    • The awards ceremony for the 27th Korean Air Travel Photo Contest is not held due to COVID-19.
    • The plaque (listed) and prize will be delivered individually by contacting the winner.
  • Contest Prizes

    General Categories/ Special Categories


  • A participant may only submit works for which he has the copyright, and it will still belong to the participant after being awarded.
  • Korean Air has the exclusive permission to use the property rights of an award-winning work for the purpose of marketing and sales of Korean Air (production, duplication, distribution: Korean Air Calendar, Korean Air website and SNS, Campaigns, etc.), and all or part of the winning works may be used within the scope of such business purposes. Participants who do not agree with the application will not be awarded. (If an award winner should not agree with the terms, the award will be cancelled)
  • In any case, winning entries for other contests or imitations of such are not eligible for awards. (Awards given may be cancelled afterwards)
  • Korean Air will not be held liable for any copyright disputes concerning the entry. (Korean Air does not own the copyright for the entry)
  • The winner should not infringe upon the exclusive use rights of Korean Air such as transferring or allowing the use of the author's property rights by a third party.
  • In the case of aerial shooting (drone) works, it must be approved by related departments and comply with aviation safety law and other relevant regulations, and the participant has all legal responsibility for shooting. Works that do not comply with the above conditions may be excluded from the competition. (Awards may be cancelled afterwards)
  • Entries that are not awarded will be discarded within 3 months after the end of contest. However, if the participant requests the return of the item before disposal, the item will be returned to the exhibitor, given that the additional expenses for returning will be borne by the participant.
  • Each prize(tickets) cannot be transferred to anyone other than immediate family members.
  • ※ E-mail : koreanairphoto@gmail.com